3 Tips for Moving with Kids
Moving can be a challenge for your family. Here are a few tips that might make the transition a smoother one.:
1. Keep an open dialog: Speak with your kids about what moving will be like and what they should expect. Listen carefully and address their concerns. You might be surprised what children find bothersome. For example, where will the family dog sleep in the new place?
2. Be supportive: Kids are well-tuned to the stress of a family and moving often heightens these types of feelings. Remind them that things will settle back down following the move. Reassure them of the things that won't change: their toys, activities, etc.
3. Let your kids be part of the action: Get the children involved in the moving process, whether it's marking boxes or wrapping their toys in paper. Something to occupy their minds keeps them feeling a part of the transition.
Nothing will guarantee your child won't be upset by the move, but minimizing their anxiety over such a big change will go a long way.
Information courtesy of: 1-800-PackRat